Bold Child Uganda
BCU is a locally-led Ugandan non-profit organization that empower parents in marginalized communities with the skills and strategies to help their children reach their full potential.
Unhoused Children
Girls Married Off Before 18 Years Old
Children Suffering From Child Labor & Abuse
The numbers we are trying to change
About BCU
BCU started in December 2022 with the idea to support and promote parental involvement in child development, to ensure children have the proper support to attain success and reach their full potential.
Isaac Otikiro, our Founder, grew up in Odukut village, a rural community in Katakwi District in Eastern Uganda witnessing a number of neglected children including his siblings failing to thrive and reach their potential because of issues associated with child development.
Our Projects
We operate two programs, aimed at fostering strong parent-child relationships and creating an empowered Parent-Child environment, by providing parents and caretakers skills, strategies, and knowledge on child development.
Parenting Training
Parent-Led Sexuality Education Campaign
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